Quarantine Easter

Easter Eggs bright.jpg

Easter this year, make it more about spending time together and the things you can still do.

A Quarantine Easter

Easter is certainly going to be different this year, here are some ideas for things we can still do together.

It’s not just for the kids. It’s also the time we spend together with our family and friends. The visits and the special meals together.

Here are a few idea’s to help keep the kids busy and a few suggestions on how to spend Easter with your family during the Social Distancing /Quarantine for COVID-19 .


1) Easter Egg Games with your Kids

•         Be Creative- have a Contest to see who can colour the best Easter Egg. You can draw your own or find a free Template online.

•         Use a Package or two of Peeps. See who can stack the most peeps in under a minute.

•         Break apart all your plastic Easter eggs, and see who can put together the most matched eggs in under a minute.

•         Create a race course, see who can complete the course the fastest while balancing a plastic egg on a spoon.

•         Stacking Eggs- Use plastic Easter eggs to see who can stack the bottom or top half the highest in a minute.

•         Bunny Tails- Stand on a chair or a stool. Place a cotton ball on your nose. Carefully let the cotton balls fall into a bowl, the winner is whomever has the most bunny tails collected in a minute.

•         Have an Easter Egg Hunt in your backyard. First, parents hide eggs for the kids, once they are all found, start over. This time have the kids hide eggs for the parents (trust me it’s fun).

2) Bake- a Special Treat

•         Bake and decorate Cookies.

•         Keep some for your family and then you could deliver some to family or friend.

3) Have a Special Meal

•         If you enjoy cooking then make that Big Special Meal. Then share the extras with a family or friend by delivering to them.

•         If you want to treat yourself- Order Take Out from a Local Restaurant (you could order something special for you and your special someone. Keep in mind if you have little ones, you could do take out from 2 separate places, so everyone enjoys:)

•         If you have the funds you could order a Take Out Meal for a friend or someone in need. Call them in advance and let them know and ask if you can deliver it for them as well.

4) Movie /TV show Date

•         Setup a date to watch a Movie with a Friend or Family. It could be a Movie you both own or one that is on the TV.

Schedule a phone call, Face-time, Skype, Zoom, Google Meeting or Online Hangout of your choice. This way even though you are not together physically you are still enjoying time together.

5) Spa @ home

•         Set a time where you treat a loved one with a foot or back massage, even if it’s just for a few mins.

•         If you have daughters, they would enjoy a Spa day, treat them to a Mani + Pedi.  Get creative and enjoy the time.

•         Afterwards you may need to enjoy a nice relaxing bath with a glass of your favorite beverage to spoil yourself.

7) Phone a Friend

•         Use this time to call a friend or loved one and have a nice catch up. This is the safest way to visit and keep everyone safe and healthy.

8) Go for a Drive

•         Make a schedule and plan a route, then go for a drive. When you leave your house call the first person and let them know you’re on your way to drive by.  Make signs or have the kids make signs. When you are leaving for the next house call or text them to let them know to watch for you:)

9) A Book

•         Wrap up a book you’ve read and want to share with a friend or family member.

•         If you like you could order a new book or a Gift Card, online and have it delivered to their house.

•         Include a new bookmark- be creative and make one, or have your children make some bookmarks as a craft.

10) Decorate outside

·         Use sidewalk chalk to write Easter messages on your driveway or sidewalk


·         Decorate with plastic eggs or homemade chicks and bunnies in your windows



Stay Home, Stay Healthy and Safe!
