Want to Know your REAL values – take a look at your bank transactions!


Here’s your challenge. Write down your top 3 core values, things that you believe to be true about yourself. Is it that your health is a non-negotiable and you lead a healthy lifestyle? Are you financially responsible and make savings and looking after your family a priority? Are you socially conscious and pride yourself on giving back?
Now have a look at your bank account transactions. Do those debits match up with your core values?? Is your bank statement showing fast food and coffee shop expenses? Do you see money being directed into a savings or retirement plan maybe a RESP for the kids? Are there any funds being directed to your favorite charity or is it something you’ve be planning to do but haven’t quite got around to yet?
Now write out the REAL values that you have learned from looking at your bank statement. Do they match up with the ones you first wrote down?
If not it’s time to make some adjustments in the way you are living compared to the way you want to live. As they say - It’s time to start putting your money where your mouth (or heart) is!

Lifestyle PlanningJodi Dark